Advances in Geo-Energy Research is included by Emerging Sources Citation Index
[November 4, 2022] From the Web of Science Editorial Team, Advances in Geo-Energy Research meets the selection criteria necessary to be included in the Web of Science Core Collection in: Emerging Sources Citation Index.
Posted: 2022-11-07
Advances in Geo-Energy Research is included by Ei Compendex and GEOBASE
[October 26, 2021] From Ei Content Team, Evaluation of the title mentioned above for inclusion in Compendex and GEOBASE is now complete, and the decision was made to accept this title in Compendex and GEOBASE.
Posted: 2021-10-27
Advances in Geo-Energy Research is included by Scopus
[June 19, 2020] We received the information from Scopus, the review of our title is now complete and the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus. The reviewer comments are copied below:
+ The journal consistently includes articles that are scientifically sound and relevant to an international academic or professional audience in this field.
+ In general, the content of the articles is consistent with the scope and aims of the journal.
+ The articles are generally well-written and understandable.
+ The journal has clear aims and scope/journal policies that are consistent with the journal’s content.
Posted: 2020-06-20