Application of underbalanced tubing conveyed perforation in horizontal wells: A case study of perforation optimization in a giant oil field in Southwest Iran
Underbalanced perforation can substantially reduce formation damage and improve the efficiency of production operation. The field in question is a giant oil field in Southwest Iran, with over 350,000 bbl/day production rates. Reservoir X is the main reservoir of the field and includes 139 horizontal wells out of the total of 185 production wells drilled in the field. Despite its technical difficulties, under-balance perforation has been proven to result in high productivity ratios and has been shown to reduce workover costs if appropriately conducted. Therefore, this study investigated a customized underbalanced tubing conveyed perforation to enhance oil production. First, post-drilling formation damage was estimated using Perforating Completion Solution Kits. Next, high-density guns (types 73 and 127) with high melting explosives were selected based on the reservoir and well specifications. angles of 60◦ and 90◦ , shot densities of 16 and 20 shots per meter, perforation diameters of By conducting a sensitivity analysis using schlumberger perforating analyzer program, shot 8 and 10 mm, and helix hole distribution were selected as optimized perforation parameters and resulted in productivity ratios up to 1.18. The current study provides a case study of applying a combination of two previously proven technologies, tubing convoyed and underbalanced perforation, in Iran’s giant oilfield. The method used and the outcome could be used to analyze the efficiency of applying the technology in other green or mature fields.
Cited as: Mohammadian, E., Dastgerdi, M. E., Manshad, A. K., Mohammadi, A. H., Liu, B., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. Application of underbalanced tubing conveyed perforation in horizontal wells: A case study of perforation optimization in a giant oil field in Southwest Iran. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6(4): 296-305.
Underbalanced perforation, tubing conveyed perforation, productivity ratio, horizontal wells, formation damageReferences
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