Gas well performance prediction using deep learning jointly driven by decline curve analysis model and production data
The prediction of gas well performance is crucial for estimating the ultimate recovery rate of natural gas reservoirs. However, physics-based numerical simulation methods require a significant effort to build a robust model, while the decline curve analysis method used in this field is based on certain assumptions, hence its applications are limited due to the strict working conditions. In this work, a deep learning model driven jointly by the decline curve analysis model and production data is proposed for the production performance prediction of gas wells. Due to the time-series characteristics of gas well production data, the long short-term memory neural network is selected to establish the architecture of artificial intelligence. The existing decline curve analysis model is first implicitly incorporated into the training process of the neural network and then used to drive the neural network construction along with the actual gas well production historical data. By applying the proposed innovative model to analyze the conventional and tight gas well performance predictions based on field data, it is demonstrated that the proposed long short-term memory neural network deep learning model driven jointly by the decline curve analysis model and production data can effectively improve the interpretability and predictive ability of the traditional long short-term memory neural network model driven by production data alone. Compared with the data-driven model, the jointly driven model can reduce the mean absolute error by 42.90% and 13.65% for a tight gas well and a carbonate gas well, respectively.
Document Type: Original article
Cited as: Xue, L., Wang, J., Han, J., Yang, M., Mwasmwasa, M. S., Nanguka, F. Gas well performance prediction using deep learning jointly driven by decline curve analysis model and production data. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 8(3): 159-169.
Gas well performance, long short-term memory neural network, decline curve analysis model, deep learningReferences
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