Explicit original gas in place determination of naturally fractured reservoirs in gas well rate decline analysis
Naturally fractured gas reservoirs have contributed significantly to global gas reserves and production. The classical gas-well decline analysis relies largely on Arps’ empirical decline models, or modern production decline analysis associating with pseudo-variables. The explicit original gas in place determination methodology is extended from homogeneous reservoir to naturally fractured reservoir under constant or variable bottom-hole pressure conditions in gas-well rate decline analysis. Then, the relationship between gas flow rate and average reservoir pseudo-pressure in the boundary-dominated flow period is re-derived. This formula is in the same format with the equation for homogeneous reservoir by due to the introduction of a new productivity index parameter that captures the inter-porosity flow between fracture and matrix in the natural fractured reservoir. The proposed step-by-step procedures are applied here, which enable the estimation of decline exponent and the explicit and straightforward determination of the original gas in place without any iterative calculations. Four simulated cases prove that our methodology can be successfully used in heterogeneous naturally fractured reservoirs with irregular boundary under constant or variable bottom-hole pressure conditions.
Document Type: Original article
Cited as: Wang, Y., Wang, J., Zhao, W., Ji, P., Cheng, S., Yu, H. Explicit original gas in place determination of naturally fractured reservoirs in gas well rate decline analysis. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 9(2): 117-124. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.08.05
Explicit original gas in place, determination, gas-well rate decline analysis, naturally fractured gas reservoir, boundary-dominated flowReferences
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