Artificial intelligence-based investigation of fault slip induced by stress unloading during geo-energy extraction


  • Zhenlong Song State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044, P. R. China; Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, P. R. China
  • Yunyi Qian* State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, P. R. China (Email:
  • Yuxing Mao State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, P. R. China
  • Xiaofei Chen Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, P. R. China
  • P. G. Ranjith Deep Earth Energy Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne 3800, Australia
  • Qinglin Deng State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, P. R. China


Seismic events triggered by stress unloading during geo-energy extraction activities have become a key focus in both seismological research and engineering safety. This study presents a novel application of waveform neural networks, combining unsupervised and supervised learning techniques to classify and characterize fractures in laboratory-induced seismic events. Initially, A neural network model was initially developed that is capable of extracting time-frequency features from waveforms through unsupervised training on 1.2 million Acoustic Emission waveforms. Subsequently, this model was fine-tuned using a labeled dataset obtained from Brazilian split and uniaxial compression tests. The final result was a highly accurate model, achieving an accuracy rate of 97.6%. By applying this refined model, insights have been gained into the complex fault slip behaviors induced by geo-energy extraction activities. Our findings reveal that fluid infiltration at the onset triggers low-energy, shear-induced fractures in low-stress fault regions, which then escalate into tensile fractures during critical sliding in high-stress areas. Key precursors to fluid-induced seismicity have been identified, providing a major advance in early seismic hazard detection. These insights are essential for monitoring and early warning of induced seismicity during geo-energy extraction activities. Our work contributes significantly to improving the safety and efficiency of geo-energy extraction, including geothermal, shale gas, and conventional hydrocarbon production.

Document Type: Original article

Cited as: Song, Z., Qian, Y., Mao, Y., Chen, X., Ranjith, P. G., Deng, Q. Artificial intelligence-based investigation of fault slip induced by stress unloading during geo-energy extraction. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 14(2): 106-118.



Unsupervised learning, acoustic emission signals, rock fracture identification, induced seismicity


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